When I joined DDB it was at a critical point in McDonalds' history. The company had begun a process of reinvention across their offering at every level, when Morgan Spurlock happened along with Supersize Me. You know the one; bloke eats way too much for a month, turns into a fat bastard and it's someone else's fault. McDonald's was getting hammered by the media, and it was time to tell their side of the story. After a preliminary campaign that put to rest some of the myths about McDonald's (pig fat in thick shakes, patties made from ground-up remains of missing children, weapons-grade plutonium in nuggets) this campaign told the story about some things they actually were doing.

A few bits of cheeky outdoor to remind people they can get a Mac Attack 24/7.

Shaker Fries are basically McDonald's fries, served in an oversized bag along with a sachet of, um, stuff. Empty said stuff into oversized bag, give it a shake and hey, presto! You have a tasty treat.